
Full Mouth Dental Implants - Jacksonville, FL

Full Mouth Dental Implants: Beauty Meets Function

Female Patient smiling while having a conversation on the couch of the dental office
My Confidence Was Affected Because Of My Teeth, Dental Implants Allowed Me To Eat & Smile Freely

Don’t Let Failing Dental Health Steal Your Smile

Missing, loose, and damaged teeth can make it impossible to live life the way you want. Failing and missing teeth can make it impossible to smile with confidence and can affect your professional and social life. 

If you suffer from periodontal disease and loose teeth, you know how hard it can be to eat comfortably. Left untreated, periodontal disease leaves you at risk for serious health problems. Damaged and decayed teeth can be painful, sensitive, and may become infected over time. 

Whether you’re already missing most or all of your teeth or experiencing catastrophic dental failure, full mouth dental implants can give you renewed function and restored confidence.

We can help put an end to your painful and discouraging symptoms with full mouth solutions that fit your lifestyle, smile goals, and budget!

full arch dental implants

An Ideal Solution

When it comes to replacing your missing and failing teeth, you have options. However, nothing truly compares to the stability, strength, and beauty of full mouth dental implants. Because they need to be lightweight, traditional dentures must be made from materials that don’t have the strength full mouth dental implants. That means they can’t withstand the same biting forces as natural teeth, so you can’t eat the foods you want.

When a tooth goes missing, your body no longer needs to maintain the bone that used to support that tooth. With multiple or completely missing teeth, that means you could lose significant bone volume from your jaw, leaving your face looking sunken and aging your appearance. It also means the fit of your dentures will change over time. They can slip, shift, and fall out, and may need sticky adhesives to stay in place.

Full arch dental implants, on the other hand, will never need glue to stay in place. They will look and feel just like your own natural teeth, only better! Best of all, full mouth dental implants stimulate the jawbone and help to maintain healthy bone volume. That means you keep the youthful dimensions of your face, your jaw joints don’t have to take on unnecessary strain from over-closing, and your jawbone stays strong.

Because you’ll be able to eat a full variety of foods, including juicy steak, crisp apples, and crunchy veggies, full mouth dental implants help to protect your full body health by ensuring you can eat a nutritious diet. They also allow us to resolve all your dental disease problems including periodontal disease and decay. Beyond renewed confidence and restored function, full mouth dental implants are a great investment in your whole-body health.

calculating the cost of dental implants

Your Perfect Smile Is Closer Than You Think!

The idea of full arch dental implants may sound intimidating at first. Many patients mistakenly assume they’ll need a surgical implant for every tooth in their mouth. 

Fortunately, this is not the case! We can fabricate stable, strong, and functional full arch dental implants on just a few implant posts. In fact, we can normally the teeth for a full arch all on four to six implants! That means less invasive treatment, faster healing, and more affordable full mouth dental implants.

The surgical process itself is a quick and comfortable procedure. In just a few hours, you could be on your way to enjoying stable dental health for the first time in years. Most patients report very little discomfort during their full mouth dental implant surgery, and only need local anesthetic to stay fully comfortable. However, we have sedation options for patients who would prefer to nap through their procedure, so don’t hesitate to talk to us about your concerns!

While your dental implants integrate into the bone of your jaw over the course of several months, you’ll only feel mild discomfort for a few days after your surgery. Most patients tell us their recovery is faster and easier than they expected! 

Once the posts of your implants have fully settled, we’ll place your gorgeous, functional full mouth dental implants. Get ready to celebrate with a beautiful smile!

Older male patient by the bay smiling with their new dental implants

"I No Longer Have To Worry About Hiding My Smile Thanks To Dental Implants!"

The Proof Is In Our Patients

Before After
Before After

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You deserve a full set of beautiful, functional teeth!

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